Internet & Voice
Everything you need to be a top-shelf ISP
If you’re setting up as an ISP, partnering with Wholesale Group means you won’t have to jump through the usual hoops and hurdles to become a fully-fledged retail provider. And if you’re already established as a provider, we believe switching to Wholesale Group will give you greater network reliability, more product flexibility and better technical support than you’re getting now.

We provide the all-important access links between your service platform and your customers.
UFB: The Chorus fibre network is almost completely rolled out around New Zealand, adding to existing networks in urban centres. We can enable you to provide fibre services to any customer with fibre at their doorstep.
ADSL: ADSL2+ is a cost-effective solution is you’re delivering non-critical data services to small and medium residential and business customers.
VDSL: Delivers broadband over existing telephone lines, providing fibre speeds at copper prices. Up to 55Mbps download and 10Mbps upload.
BACKHAUL: If you need backhaul, we can provide a premium fibre service nationwide – point-to-point, point-to-multipoint or multipoint-to-multipoint.

You can partner with Wholesale Group for SIP Trunking to deliver VoIP telephony services to your customers. Our SIP Trunking service provides carrier-grade voice service over a data circuit to an on-premise Cloud PBX system, making it a low-cost alternative to traditional voice access. You automatically have access to SIP management tools such as CDRs (call detail records) and SIP utilisation reporting.
Complementing SIP Trunking is our Cloud PBX service, which gives your customers access to PBX capabilities from any device that can run the interface software.

You don’t need a data centre to be a fabulous ISP. We can organise space in a respected data centre that’s carefully operated and maintained. The co-location facilities we recommend offer high-security, fire detection and extinguishing devices, filtered power, backup power generators and other features to ensure security and high-availability.

Through our provisioning portal, you can have the bandwidth you need, as well as the flexibility to scale your services to fit changing customer demands. We provide carrier-grade bandwidth at a contention ratio of 1 to 1. It’s in stock and ready to go at speeds from 10Mb/s to 10Gb/s or larger. We don’t pigeon-hole you with packages – you can have as much or as little as you require.
Cloud Services & WAN

If you want to provide a cloud-based solution to customers, we can help. Tell us what you want to achieve, then we’ll put a plan together to make it a reality. When you’re happy, we can build whatever you need.
Managed Routers

We can provide a purpose-built managed router for your premises, connecting your network to ours. Our managed router service includes:
- Standard router provision
- Installation of the router at your site
- Router hardware maintenance
- Router supports bandwidths up to 10 Gbit/s
- Router software maintenance, including operating system upgrades, bug fixes and security patches
- Router configuration changes
- Fault reporting mechanisms